Netherlands Wine Market Hits Record €1.5 Billion in Imports


Germany, Italy and Spain Gain Ground in Dutch Wine Imports as France Falters


The Netherlands wine market remained steady in 2023, experiencing a slight 0.5% increase in volume, reaching 444 million liters. However, the total value of imports hit a record high of 1.5184 billion euros, marking a 0.8% rise compared to the previous year. This growth in value is attributed to the highest average price ever recorded, at 3.42 euros per liter, a 0.3% increase from 2022.

Key Trends in the Dutch Market

Bottled wine continues to dominate in the Netherlands, accounting for 87% of the total import volume in 2023. However, bag-in-box (BiB) wine showed remarkable growth, surpassing sparkling wine for the first time as the second most purchased category in volume. This innovative format experienced an increase of over 60% in volume and 54% in value, establishing itself as a popular choice among Dutch consumers.

Conversely, bulk wine imports declined compared to 2022, which had already been a challenging year for this segment.

Shifting Supplier Landscape

France, traditionally the leading wine supplier to the Netherlands, experienced a decline of approximately 6% in both volume and value, losing market share. Italy maintained its position as the second-largest supplier in value, while Germany held the second spot in volume.

Belgium, acting as a distributor, saw significant growth in its sales, potentially linked to the decrease in direct imports from countries like Chile, South Africa, and Australia. It is speculated that these countries may be channeling some of their exports to the Netherlands through Belgium.

Sparkling Wine: A Diverse Market

In the sparkling wine segment, Spain experienced a 14.2% growth in volume in 2023. Although France still leads in value, Spain has doubled its turnover in the past three years, reaching 36 million euros in 2023. Italy also strengthened its position, with an 11.2% increase in value.

Bottled Wine: Germany and Italy Rise

While France lost ground in the bottled wine segment, Germany and Italy saw growth in value, with increases of 5.2% and 3.9%, respectively. Spain also made significant strides, achieving record-high turnover with a 14.3% increase in value.

Bag-in-Box: Germany and Spain Lead

Germany solidified its position as the top supplier of bag-in-box wine, boasting a growth of over 85% in volume and 100% in value. Spain also performed well in this segment, securing second place with a 42% increase in volume and 50% in value.

Bulk Wine: Germany Maintains Lead

Despite the overall decline in bulk wine, Germany retained its position as the leading supplier. However, France nearly overtook Germany, showing a growth of 13.9% in volume and 15.2% in value.