Swedish Wine Prices Skyrocket to Record Highs, Drive Value Growth


Swedish Wine Imports Down 7.3% in 2023, But Value Soars to Record SEK 9.557 Billion

In the ever-evolving world of wine, 2023 has been a year of intriguing shifts for Sweden. The latest data from Swedish customs reveals a notable 7.3% reduction in the volume of wine imported, bringing the total to 197.5 million liters—the lowest since 2011. This drop marks the first time in over a decade that imports have dipped below the 200 million liter mark. Yet, amidst this decline in volume, Sweden's wine imports have set a new record in terms of value, rising by 5.5% from an already impressive 2022 to reach 9.557 billion Swedish krona (SEK).

What's driving this paradox of less wine but higher expenditure? The key lies in the price. The average cost per liter of imported wine has surged by a remarkable 13.8%, hitting 48.38 SEK—the highest ever recorded. To put this in perspective with current exchange rates, Sweden's wine imports in 2023 were worth approximately 820 million euros, at an average price of 4.15 euros per liter.

This trend of increasing value over volume isn't just a 2023 phenomenon. Since the turn of the century, Sweden's wine import market has seen its value grow three times faster than its volume. The compound annual growth rate (CAGR) for value sits at 6.3%, compared to a 2.1% growth in volume. This impressive growth trajectory has seen import values rise from 2.338 billion SEK to 9.557 billion SEK, and volumes from 122 million liters to 198 million liters. The average price per liter has also seen a significant jump, from 19.12 SEK to the current 48.38 SEK.

Breaking down the types of wine imported provides further insights. Bulk wine is the only category that saw a price drop in 2023, yet it was the only segment to increase in volume. Packaged wine, while still the most imported, showed the least growth since 2000, yet it remains dominant, followed by bag-in-box wines in volume and sparkling wines in value.

Among the top ten wine suppliers to Sweden, Spain has had a stellar year, with a 21% increase in value—outpacing all others and doubling the growth seen by France and Italy. This surge is particularly noteworthy given the overall decline in imported volumes. Spain has now solidified its position as the third-largest source of wine for Sweden.

Italy, on the other hand, has surpassed France to reclaim the top spot in terms of volume after two years, thanks to a substantial increase in cheaper bulk wine imports. Meanwhile, France, after setting a record in 2022, saw its imported volume decrease. Denmark, once a significant player as a distributor, has also seen its influence wane, though this is in comparison to an extraordinary 2022.

Sweden's 2023 wine import data tells a fascinating story of shifting priorities. Consumers appear to be leaning towards higher-quality, higher-priced wines, even as overall volumes decline. This trend suggests a growing appreciation for premium wines and a market that is willing to spend more for a better experience. As Spain leads the charge in value growth and Italy dominates in volume, it will be interesting to see how these dynamics evolve in the coming years.

So, while Sweden may be importing less wine, it's clear that they're choosing quality over quantity. And for wine lovers, this might just mean more exceptional bottles on the shelves—an enticing prospect for anyone who enjoys a good glass of vino.